- Verticals 2010-2019 3 part
- Verticals 2008-2020yy 2 Part
- Verticals 2012-2019gg 1 part
- flow... The structure of the space. Moscow (4) 2020
- Flaming Gothic. Milan. 2019.5
- a golden rain fell on Rome 2019.4
- Peace To Rome, Peace To Rome. Structures of space 2019.4-5
- flow... Secrets (2). Internal and external - Italy 2019.8-10
- flow... Secrets (1) Internal and external - Italy 2013-2019
- Secrets. Internal and external. Rome 2019
- flow... Structure of space. Italy (3) 2018-2019
- flow... Structure of space. Italy (2) 2018g
- flow... Structure of space. Italy (1) 2013-2017
- People everywhere People People there are people People like people People and people (6) Italy 2019
- People everywhere People People there are people People like people People and people (5) Italy 2013-2018
- People are people everywhere People are people People like people People and people (4) 2012-2020
- flow... Structures of space. Trips 2007-2018gg
- The fall of ICARUS 2018, 2021
- People in the Park (2) 2001-2018
- People in the Park (1) 2001-2018
- The birds flew — and landed.. Be Free 2009-2012
- Small cities of Russia. Structures of space (4) 2014-2018
- Small cities of Russia. Structures of space (3) 2012-2014
- flow... The structure of the space. Moscow (3) 2016-2019 gg
- flow... The structure of the space. Moscow (2) 2013-2015 gg
- flow... Structures of space and People. 2001-2014
- Si...(1) 2014g